Call for Abstracts for the European Geothermal Congress 2025!

European Geothermal Congress (EGC) 2025 roept op tot het indienen van abstracts. De samenvatting van het onderzoek dat u wilt delen met een internationaal publiek, kunnen gaan over alle aspecten van het gebruik van geothermische energie: stroomopwekking, levering van verwarming en koeling, ondergrondse warmteopslag en winning van mineralen. Abstracts over zowel technologische als sociaaleconomische aspecten kunnen worden ingediend.

Een abstract is een beknopte samenvatting van een wetenschappelijk artikel, onderzoeksrapport, presentatie of ander academisch werk. Het doel van een abstract is om de kerninhoud van het werk samen te vatten, zodat lezers snel kunnen begrijpen waar het over gaat, welke methoden zijn gebruikt, wat de belangrijkste resultaten zijn, en wat de conclusies of implicaties van het werk zijn.

Gezien het internationale karakter en omdat de abstracts in de Engelse taal dienen te worden aangeleverd, publiceren we hieronder de Engelse tekst van EGC met meer informatie over het indienen van de abstracts. De uiterste aanleverdatum is 15 oktober 2024:

EGC 2025

The 2025 edition of the EGC will take place from October 6th to 10th, 2025, at the Zurich Congress Centre, Switzerland. Organised by EGEC Geothermal in collaboration with Geothermie-Schweiz, this event is the perfect platform to share your ideas, research, and experiences with leaders in the geothermal energy field.

Submit Your Abstracts!

Your Chance to Shine!

EGC 2025 is calling for abstracts that explore all aspects of geothermal energy use: power generation, heating and cooling supply, underground thermal storage, and mineral extraction. We are interested in both technological and socio-economic aspects.

Why submit an abstract?

  • International Visibility: Present your work to a diverse audience and gain recognition in the geothermal community.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with experts, researchers, and professionals from around the world.
  • Make an Impact: Contribute to the advancement and promotion of geothermal energy as a sustainable solution.

Conference Streams

The programme is divided into four thematic streams, each designed to cover specific aspects of geothermal energy:

  1. Research and Development (TRL: 1-5)
  2. Technology and Innovation (TRL: 6-9)
  3. Geothermal Solutions for Energy System Integration
  4. Financing, Regulations, Policy, Communications, and Market

Choose the stream that best fits your proposal. The review and acceptance procedures will follow the usual practices in each field.

Before submitting your abstract

Please note that the maximum character limit is 3,000, including spaces. Kindly ensure that you do not exceed this limit, as your contribution may be rejected if it surpasses this length.
When uploading your abstract, please note that at this stage, it is unnecessary for you to attach any documentation, such as PDFs, images, or videos.
Before submitting the contribution, making changes to your submission will be possible until the contribution deadline. After that, this option will be closed.

General Information

Please submit your 1-page-abstracts (max 3,000 characters including space) via the online submission tool. For any issues with the online submission tool, please contact the secretariat at change.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 15th October 2024.
The authors will be informed of the decision on acceptance of their abstracts by the end of 2024. Final papers will be required by February 2025. The papers (maximum 10 pages) will be published in the conference proceedings in electronic form.

Conference fees

Information about the conference fees will be available at the beginning of 2025.

Important Information

The language of the congress will be English.

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th October 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: End of 2024
  • Final Papers Due: February 2025